Jun 25, 2007 09:35

Because I am a total n00b, my return to ElJay has been delayed by a much deserved lashing by the Mod. *is shamefaced* WOES.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled macros. WIV TEH SPOILS. BE CAREFULS!!!11!!!

OMGFIRSTPOSTLIEKNOWAIII!!!!11!!!! = potential for lose/fail is turned up to eleventy. O_o

And I am surprised that I haven't come across any of these before. I IS HOPES THIS MAEKS TEH SENSE.

[ OR ]

And a motivational poster for all of you lovely people (if you touch it, it gets bigger. OOOER).

Caps from Time and Space. Text by way of roflbot, motivational poster by way of some suspect Photoshop skills.

joss whedon in any form, 10th doctor, companion: captain jack

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