A quick Johnny quote

Aug 29, 2011 21:41

Apparently I am as funny as I think I am:

Under here )

character: sherlock holmes, crossover: quotations, crossover: film

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Comments 7

oxfordtweed August 30 2011, 03:16:48 UTC
I have no idea what this is referencing, but I laughed so hard when I saw that icon earlier. XD


porpoise_song August 30 2011, 03:31:20 UTC
The quote is from "Airplane!", where everyone is lamenting that the newspapers think that everybody on the airplane is going to die.

Then Johnny grabs the newspaper and sees there's a sale at Penny's.


goldvermilion87 August 30 2011, 03:21:14 UTC
Don't know the crossover, but I laughed out loud!


porpoise_song August 30 2011, 03:27:42 UTC
"Airplane!" That's the crossover.


tardis_stowaway August 30 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
Hilarious! The expression is LOL-worthy on its own, and the idea of Sherlock that excited about a sale at JC Penny's of all places is doubly funny.

I didn't remember the quote source until I saw your comments, but I should have guessed. Airplane has so many classic lines.

I bet Sherlock speaks jive.


porpoise_song August 31 2011, 03:36:27 UTC
I hope I can find one that even vaguely resembles the quote "And Leon's getting larrrrrger" with Sherlock and Mycroft.

And Mrs. Hudson speaks jive.


arianedevere August 30 2011, 11:23:40 UTC
Looks like I picked a bad day to quit spitting water all over my monitor ...


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