Title: My soul sees yellow in you
mumuja Pairing: OnKey, slight 2Min
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's in the mist of caos and depression that true colors come out, not for eyes to see for the soul to contemplate.
“I’ll keep you safe.” Jinki sputtered minutes later, “I’ll save you from everything that might cause you pain.” )
Comments 69
that’s what i do the whole time i read this. you made me smile at one line and choke back tears at another.
god, i sounds so weird ): let me pause for a minute to gather a bit coherent words in my mind.
okay..first, as a painter myself, color-blindness esp monochromacy type is like one of my worst nightmare. i remember i was pretty stunned when I first found out about this illness. it's such a devastating consequence for anyone who loves the arts. ide-- ;____; ofc its not like the world ended or what but still it’s a terrible terrifying illness. it really scares the living hell out of me ( ... )
So. I am sorry. I am really, really sorry. *sobs*
But Hazey has school and tons of clubs and after-school activities so Hazey is a bad tracker. Hazey misses lurking on LJ and under your bedAnyway. Since I'm here now (FINALLY~!) and instead of complaining about being busy, I should say something nice about this little really, REALLY short one-shot you have here... (Did you notice the sarcasm?) OKAY. HERE I GO ( ... )
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