where the wild things are, vidding, meme.

Oct 19, 2009 11:16

I. Saw Where The Wild Things Are yesterday. I loved it. Beautiful movie!

II. I started to vid the other night. I always try off and on but never sit down and do anything at home because my computer likes to hiccup and die whenever I try (I can't figure out for the life of me how to optimize it enough so it won't crap out whenever I render shit). ( Read more... )

movies: 2009, vidding, movies, memes, movies: where the wild things are

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Comments 11

regala_electra October 19 2009, 15:48:43 UTC
Where is my new default icon?


ignited October 22 2009, 13:25:42 UTC
YOU'LL GET IT WHEN YOU GET IT. (lolz I am so slow this week, I blame vidding and geeking out over said vidding. No worries, I'll give you eet.)


regala_electra October 19 2009, 15:49:49 UTC
Follow up question:

I am so thrilled you are vidding.

Yes that's not a question. Pffft. Whatever.

Follow up to the follow up question:

Would you ever want to live anywhere that is not NYC?


ignited October 22 2009, 13:27:55 UTC
Your lack of question marks disturbs me. TSK TSK.

Hmmm. My perfect option would be to live in Manhattan because of the commute but if I had to live somewhere else, I'd go for Los Angeles. I really don't feel like moving anywhere else but if a job/industry calls for it, then I'd opt for L.A. or at least California. Maybe San Francisco.

Or London. London looks nice.


regala_electra October 23 2009, 02:41:50 UTC
Los Angeles blows and you'd have to learn to drive. Bahhhh you and your stupid talent.

I very much want to visit London.


__tiana__ October 20 2009, 00:59:34 UTC
YAY VIDDING! I would love to see what you come up with! :D

And a question. HMMM. Because I'm a nerd about typography and because I paid very close attention during your art panel, what is your faaaaavorite font? FAVORITE. Best ever font!



ignited October 22 2009, 13:29:57 UTC

ahaha, good question! (Hee, I'm glad you liked the panel, whereas I was mostly rambling and going "YAY I LIKE FIRE! I HATE MAKING WALLPAPERS! LA LA LA!") Ummmm. Favorite font! That's hard to choose! Granted, I only use the same group but choosing one... hmmm. I really like Futura if I had to pick. It looks elegant and modern and beautiful all at once and if I had to use a font for work-ish things, I'd use that one!


beckaandzac October 20 2009, 05:04:21 UTC
Did your family take vacations when you were a kid? What were they like?


ignited October 22 2009, 13:32:34 UTC
Oooh, interesting question! We didn't really take vacations since we didn't have time or money. Vacations would be like... going to the beach or the zoo, which are outings instead. Um. But I do remember us going to upstate New York when I was seven to visit my aunt and uncle. It was interesting. Kind of boring when I think about it now as it was just hanging out in the suburbs but we did go to a farm and a goat almost pooped on my little cousin's face.

...clearly I needed to do more vacations. That involved pooping on someone's face.


secretlytodream October 23 2009, 05:50:43 UTC
I can say for sure that vegas is much easier to work with than Premier. And hey, for what exatly do you use VirtualDub? Cause myself - I do everything in veas :) And yes! There's curves and layers, and there's even compositting modes! \o/ Which makes vegas pretty similar to Photoshop.

Mmm....as for the meme, I have I guess a personal question, but I'm just curious and this question comes to my mind first every time - what do you do for a living? I mean, do you work, study or something else? I'm always wonder what creating people are in the "real world" :)


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