i make no apologies for the capes.

May 22, 2008 13:38

Having more time to look over stuff while attempting to clean my room (do I get bonus points for 'attempting'? Because finishing this task, oww) I found a ton of old drawings from summer '06 when I was into DC Comics. I still read comics, though not as much as I used to. A lot of these will probably remain unfinished because I really doubt I'll go back and finish them. Might post them to my DeviantArt page so I can continue the trend of being years behind content-wise on that site.

The only finished one and my favorite of this bunch. Based off Brandon Routh and the long hair era of Superman, shuddap. Part of the reason why I stopped drawing Superman? It took me ages to try and draw the S-shield. o_O

Oh Clark, you DORK.

Golden age Superman.

Superboy / Kon-El, way back when he was rocking the leather jacket. Except this came out as a bad River Phoenix / sadface thing. I dunno.

Tim! Kon! Bart! Kon being a GIANT! Bart being teeny tiny! No worries, Bart, I still love you.

Where I attempted to do a bad promo pic for the Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman trio for the Justice League movie that does not exist. Tried to make Bruce look Christian Bale-ish and... that's when the likenesses end. :\ But I do like Diana's earrings! :)

Ahahaha, so bad. This was back when I was bored and trying to draw bad cuddling girl!Winchesters. The girl versions of Sam and Dean look nothing like that in my head now. Please excuse Dean's heavy eyeliner. Gah.

supernatural, art: drawings, dc comics, art

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