Title: Love Letters
Rating: R
Pairing: (One-sided) Unknown/Harry
Summary: Harry has been getting letters from his friends.
Genre: Angst, Horror
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter. If I did, he’d be Draco’s wispy little plaything. ^__~
Warning: …Yes, well, this one kind of creeps me out. A lot. o.O
Love Letters )
Comments 9
Alright, true, perhaps this is not quite the right reaction to piles of corpses, but really, I find complete obsessive insanity to be very romantic.
Er, yes, when I saw the word for today, I was, like, Draco/Harry fluff, here I come!, and then I sat down to write and that idea was shot all to hell because then I thought, oh, I know, let’s pin the love letters to dead people! And I wrote it at my desk with my closet door open behind me on the other side of the room, and I eventually had to go over and close it, because I am a friady-cat and my character ended up freaking me out. o_O #facepalm# ^__~
And, yeah, it’s pretty sad that I freaked myself out with this. #laughs# ^__^
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback; I appreciate it!
Or it could be Draco! :) Great fic! So scary! Not everyday you come across the creepy stalker/killer fics with it actually freaking you out.
(and sorry i've been leaving all these comments. just want to catch up with all the wonderful fics here >.<)
And I love your comments--no need to apologize! #glomps# ^__~
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