random posting isn't procrastinating. really.

Jul 12, 2010 14:06

I accomplished some words yesterday at the cafe. I acquired an akarui_rynka, too, so that was fun. I amused her with my inability to type curse words outside of dialogue, regardless of the POV I'm writing from, and thus necessitating the clever use of find-and-replaceable abbreviations. Also, Rynka is officially the first person to read any of my long fic, and she did not seem to hate it, so yay! Though I may end up killing a (minor...ish) character now whom I originally expected to survive the story, and it will be entirely her fault, no matter what she says.

We (subtly) made this face -- o.O O.o -- at the dude who came in with a freaking HANDGUN strapped on. Weapons make me nervous! Rynka was not convinced his holster had any sort of strap to prevent someone from taking it off him. I was more focused on the gun (and feeling validated in my need to always sit facing the door). Dear second amendment rights demonstrator -- you do not make me feel safer. Go away.

Ok. New challenge at ds_recsredux, more words on the midsummer fic, and then work. I can do this.

ETA: Aw, hey! Apparently, this is my 800th journal entry. I feel like I should do something. Hm. Music ficlet meme, anyone? Give me a character/pairing, and I'll hit shuffle and write you a song length snippet.

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fanfic, writing

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