07. [text]

May 12, 2011 14:13

Suggest that incidence of Inmate-caused fatalities significantly reduced by implementation of "tit-for-tat" punishment for homicide: Killer suffers same death as victim, simultaneous with death of victim.

Offer of assistance with communication devices remains open.

[added somewhat later]

Query: Recommendation for preparation of liver (cow)?

[private to ( Read more... )

rinzler!clippy, here to protect you, text, shover robot, ic, keylogger!!, rinzler fails cooking forever, rinzler is a helper

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Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 22:25:19 UTC
Why are you asking about liver?

[OOC: Re. the knives Rinzler took from Rayne's cache, were they still on him when he was attacked by Sylvanas? If he hid them in his cabin first, would it be safe to assume Toshiko searched it and found them while he was recovering, or not?]


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 13 2011, 07:23:44 UTC
I'm required to understand that the Barge requires very different things of me than my previous life did, and I'm required to make adjustments because of the demands of a new environment.


Private ifightfor May 13 2011, 22:05:04 UTC
Query: Adjustments require becoming non-self entity?


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 13 2011, 22:46:00 UTC
If you'd always been human I would call this passive aggression.

Context-based adjustments to your behaviour aren't the same thing as abandoning your entire identity.


Private ifightfor May 13 2011, 23:20:54 UTC
[Sadly it's probably as close as a Program gets to passive aggression; Rinzler has his jaws around an idea and won't let it go.]

Suggested adjustments require abandonment of primary purpose. Inherent conflict with preservation of JA307020's directives unresolvable.


Private hopeless_hacker May 13 2011, 23:53:14 UTC
What is there exactly about perceiving pain as punishment that conflicts irreparably with your directive to secure the System? Again, you are human now, and pain is a sign that something is wrong. It's distracting and undermines efficiency. Leaving pain ignored and its causes untreated will make you less functional both short-term for the reasons abovementioned and long-term as the underlying condition is aggravated.


Private ifightfor May 14 2011, 00:23:34 UTC
Correction: Proper medical treatment of damage does not conflict with primary directive.

Treatment of residual pain unnecessary.

Request that JA307020 standby and remain uninvolved in developing security crises conflicts with primary directive.

Wardens uninterested or unable to resolve disputes unaided.


Private hopeless_hacker May 14 2011, 00:29:47 UTC
Rinzler. If this -- debacle with Rayne's armoury is anything to go by, your attempts to involve yourself in resolving developing security crises - beyond informing the Wardens that they exist - will contribute to those crises.


Private ifightfor May 14 2011, 00:33:43 UTC
[...She makes a good point.]

Crisis still not resolved. JA307020 hindered by use of nonlethal force, restricted access to information.


Private hopeless_hacker May 14 2011, 00:44:33 UTC
And it didn't help that you stole two knives that I doubt you were planning to return when the crisis was resolved.


Private ifightfor May 14 2011, 00:47:27 UTC


Private hopeless_hacker May 14 2011, 00:55:38 UTC
I know how many there were, but thank you for trying to correct a perceived gap in my knowledge. The fact remains that if I could have gotten to your knives while you were recovering, other people could have done, and they wouldn't necessarily have been Wardens. By involving yourself in the situation for any reason, you made it worse.

If you want to be involved in ensuring the security of the Barge, you have to think of a way to do it that won't get you killed, won't require you to kill anyone, and won't demand that you have access to more information than you have currently.


Private ifightfor May 14 2011, 01:02:08 UTC
Three. One unaccounted for in attack on armed User. [This is why he hates weapons without leash protocols.]

Lack of shared data increases likelihood of error, fatal or otherwise.


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 14 2011, 01:10:17 UTC
It's been accounted for.


Then you'll have to be more careful about the risks you take.


Private ifightfor May 14 2011, 01:15:02 UTC
[This is the part where he wishes he has words for the fact that living in this fucking crazy nightmare world that seems entirely normal for Users is a risk and why won't they just let him do the job that he was created for instead of pretending that he belonged here with the rest of them--]



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