I am compiling a devotional anthology dedicated to Sigyn, one of Loki's wives and mother of the variously-named Vali and Narvi, tentatively titled "Tears and Laughter". (Yes, I am taking this project over from
scinnlaeca, so if it sounds familiar, that's why.) I am seeking contributions of essays, prayers, poetry, personal experiences of/with Her, original art, rituals and meditations. Of course, since Sigyn doesn't feature heavily in the extant lore, much of this work will be personal gnosis.
This book is specifically for Sigyn Herself, and as such, mention may be made of Her family but the focus should be mostly on Her. You do not need to be devoted to Sigyn to contribute, but you should have a working relationship with Her.
I am looking for quality rather than quantity, and as such, I reserve the right to reject submissions that I feel are not appropriate for the book. Furthermore, any flavor of bigotry, pantheon-bashing, or eschatologically-themed work is not appropriate for this book.
Please note that I cannot afford to pay for contributions; however, I may be able to donate a copy of the finished devotional to those who contribute large amounts of material.
Please send inquiries and contributions to talaspai [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line SIGYN DEVOTIONAL. Text contributions should be in .rtf or .doc format, original art in 300dpi black and white JPEG, GIF, TIFF or PNG formats.
Please also include your legal name, email address and mailing address so that I can send you an author release form. This is required or else I will not be able to include your work. You retain the rights to your submissions; I am only asking for one-time publishing rights, and you may use your pieces as you like after this devotional is published.
The deadline for contributions is June 30, 2009.
Please feel free to post this CFS anywhere you think it would be welcome.
Talas Pái