If I stop now call me a quitter

Mar 10, 2011 02:29

Who: Doctor and Master
What: More Valiant fun timez ( Read more... )

[who: notsoperfect10, evil mastah is evil, [verse: valiant ahoy

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notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 18:08:55 UTC
The Doctor complied. He needed the rest.

In two weeks, his jaw was perfectly healed. The Master hadn't shattered him, he's just broken and bruised him up a bit. As suspected, all things got better with time. And that included Martha Jones' campaign.

It was escalating. It was building noteably. Every few days the Master would have his melt down, but nothing could be done.

Not this time. And the Doctor wondered if the Master had figured it all out yet.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 18:29:23 UTC
Finding Martha had become top priority, the Master wasted no expense or men searching out the troublesome Martha Jones and her slippery ways. He couldn't catch her and he could fathom why.

She was a mere human, he was a Time Lord.

The night he got word that she was nearby, he sent out the word that he wanted to broadcast. The more he taunted, the more attention he got. Till the Doctor was in a cage and the Master was desperate to track her.

"So, the jaw looks better," the Master mused as he looked over the tiny, old and frail Doctor.


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 18:38:49 UTC
"I hate it when you do this," came a very tiny, very tired voice. What was he losing now? What parts of his mind would never come back again? It was too terrible to think about so the Doctor just held onto the bars of his bed cage and stared forlornly up at the Master.

He found this so frustrating. Even shaking his tiny fists at the Master just left him tired and he pressed his face against the metal.

"Why... You've got everything already. Why are you doing this?" he wrasped.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 18:46:10 UTC
"To get to her, why else?"

Laughing, he wriggled his finger into the cage and playfully poked the Doctors little nose. He was so amusing like this, tiny and useless, fun to show off when baiting Martha. He was so close now, he was sure of it.

The rather pathetic attempt to mutiny last week was a sign of how unstoppable he was, he had confidence that he could catch and kill her yet. As the more unstable and panicked he got, the more he reassured himself and then he ended up lost in his own arrogance.

Whether he was lying to himself or in denial was anyones guess.

"Why I do, you can watch me kill her. Front row, centre."


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 18:58:28 UTC
"Please." The Doctor was not asking for clemency for himself, but for the Master. He needed to test the man's mercy. Again. And again. That was the truest sign of insanity! The keep expecting different results after repeating the same actions! Likely, he would give the man second changes until they both died.

The Doctor slunk away from the Master and laid down in his tiny suit in a bit of hay. It was actually more comfortable than that smelly, awful bed. He woke up, not long after, to Martha's frustrated cry.


Oh, she was cute, even when she was weary and at the end of her rope. The Doctor could only offer her a wrinkly smile. And that left him exhausted too.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 19:04:40 UTC
He'd gotten her! He found the location and gotten her, he could of been more happy. Prancing around like a loon, he happily hopped about the Valiant, leaping up the stairs to check his countdown. It wasn't long till everything fell into place.

And he could celebrate with the death of Miss Martha Jones.

"Oooh bring everyone. Everyone on board will see this. Broadcast it!"

All those sleepless nights and restless hours paid off, he knew what he had to do now. He was so close to being the victory, he couldn't contain himself. The Doctor was rendered useless, Martha was his, the freak was chained up downstairs - no more heroes.


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 19:24:58 UTC
There was a celebration. A truly amazing celebration. But it was not the Master for whom his poor, unwilling would be subjects cried for. It was not the Master for whom they sang and prayed and remembered and believed in. There was only person on the entire planet that nearly everyone else was focused on.

The Doctor.

It was right for the Master to be fearful, to be angry, and so many other things all at once. The Doctor's transformation, his rebirth into the proper man he ought to be. The Doctor could strike him down with the power that filled him. And for a moment, he actually thought of it.

Stopping just at the man's slumped body, the Doctor smiled at his former captor.

"Do you want to play fetch?" he asked, holding out that grimy ball in the palm of his hand.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 19:31:40 UTC
He never imagined it ending up like this. He thought he'd had it perfect. He'd had doubts but catching Martha, that was meant to be the check mate in this game that won it all for him.

Seeing the Doctor reborn with such brilliance made the Masters heart sink and fear run through him. Indignation and panic made him torn as to how to act, he didn't know if his pride was worth the fight.

Instead, he scrambled back and hit against the wall, fingers tugging at his own hair. "Its not fair, its-- no! This isn't right. I won!"

Sitting on the floor, back into a corner, he had never been more terrified of the Doctor as he was right now, towering over him with such power. Because he knew, deep down inside, that this was always going to happen. A whole year of being mocked really, of the Doctor humouring him. It tore him up inside. "You haven't won!"


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 19:51:39 UTC
"I would have," the Doctor said slowly, "if you hadn't broken my jaw."

The Doctor took a seat in front of the other Time Lord and gently rolled the ball over to him. The Master thought that there would be pain. There wouldn't be. The Doctor did not hurt people unless he had no other choice. Or he was angry.

And really, right now he was neither.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 20:05:00 UTC
The Master reacted on impulse, he didn't care about his pride anymore, he just needed to get free. Picking up the ball, he threw it as hard as he could in the Doctors face as a distraction before scrambling across the room.

He just needed to get out of this place.

Course, what he didn't bank on was the small tiny problem that was everyone currently in the room resented him, even if wife. The guards blocked the doorway, the freak was on defence and Martha's dad looked ready to kill him.

Picking the nearest thing to an exit, he flew towards it in the hopes he could at least find an exit. Just his luck, the damn door was locked and giggling the knob was doing nothing.

"You can't do this! You can't just ruin everything!"


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 20:12:35 UTC
The Doctor shouldn't have been so amused, but well... There it went. He was amused. Even if his nose was gushing blood again and the lovely doctor Jones was taking the time to tend to him. The Master could flap around like a trapped bird all he wanted to! Let him sweat it out. The Doctor waited for the blood to finish flowing before he stood up again.

"Harry!" Lucy called out to her Time Lord husband as the Doctor went to pry him down from the light fixture.

Both Master and Doctor turned just before she shot. The Doctor didn't think. He just reacted, stepping in front of the bullet. "No!"


iehcsok March 10 2011, 20:19:10 UTC
The Master made no move to sacrifice himself, he simply stayed where he was, watching the bullet whip forwards, the Master screwed his eyes shut. He didn't even know what had happened.

He didn't see where the bullet hit, he didn't care to find out.

With a smirk on his face, the Master took his chance while everyone scrambled to help the Doctor, he went for the door. He could get free, he could leave now.

The Doctor was the one dumb enough to try and take the bullet for him, Lucy was the one with terrible shot, he was the bloody lucky one and he wasn't going to waste it.

He shoved his way to the main exit and just managed to slip through.


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 20:49:55 UTC
Well. Not quite so fast there, Master.

Jack had more than enough bones to pick with the Time Lord. Though he was standing by to administer a kiss of life if he needed to, Jack knew better than to get in anyone else's way. Unless they happened to be a Time Lord in a black suit.

Snatching the Master by the collar, Jack hauled him right back into the main room of the Valiant.

"Don't hurt him!" the Doctor commanded. Jack smirked.

"Yanno, Doc? I don't get you. But all right."


iehcsok March 10 2011, 20:59:11 UTC
The Master fought back, he flailed and lashed out, tried to knock Jack away but it was becoming futile and, lets face it, embarrassing.

Groaning, the Master threw his head back and sighed like this was all one giant inconvenience and everyone was simply crashing his party. Which they sort of were, really. He was the king and the subjects had mutinied.

"Yes Freaky, don't hurt me. Just stand there like a loyal mutt."

Making a barking noise at Jack, the Master smirked himself and turned his head, giving the Doctor a small frown.

"Stop faking and get up, you old fool."


notsoperfect10 March 10 2011, 22:29:48 UTC
"Shut up!" Martha cried out, and the Doctor only laughed as a response, his hand across his abdomen where the woman had placed it to still the bleeding.

"I'll be all right," he kept telling her, again and again. And he would be. A bit of bleeding, all he needed was a few stitches and a few days rest and he'd be fine again!

Though first things first.


"Yeah, Doc?"

"I need you to unhook the TARDIS. If you do what I say we can put everything right again." Sorry Master. Your little paradise could not and would not be allowed to stay as is. The Doctor loved the Earth and he needed it to get set right back on course.


iehcsok March 10 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
Not the paradox machine, no way. The Master gave Jack a glare and shook his head, as if that would somewhat talk Jack into deciding that the TARDIS had to remain. Course, there was one slight issue.

The moment Jack let go of him, the Master would find a way out.

No way in hell was he going to stick around. He had things to do, places to run, crimes to deny and hide from.

"Try it freaky, just let go of me and I'll be gone in seconds."

Or he'd awkwardly find an escape plan. He was hardly staying here to coddle the Doctor. "And would one of you please make sure Lucy stays away from that gun. Really? Does anyone think?"


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