Some Things Remain - Highlander/Torchwood 1/1

Dec 06, 2009 17:55

Title: Some Things Remain
Character(s)/pairings:Ianto Jones, Darius
Fandom and/or Prompt: Highlander/Torchwood; Darius, Ianto; Finding some measure of peace for morgynleri_fic
Warning: This fic is not Denial. Post CoE for Torchwood, but I hope in a happy way.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be. Else certain events of Children of Earth would not have occurred.

Written for Day Six of consci_fan_mo and as part of the fanfic meme

Some Things Remain

“You don’t have to do that here,” Darius gently reminded with a smile. Ianto placed one of the cups he was carrying before him with an apologetic grin.

“Sorry, force of habit,” he replied sheepishly as he took a seat opposite. Darius took a sip of his coffee.

“Mm. It’s good,” he murmured.

“Isn’t it always?” Ianto asked. Darius smiled and nodded.

“But this is especially good.”

Ianto nodded his thanks and drank some of his own. They sat in amiable and thoughtful silence for a while.

“May I ask, Brother Darius, what it is you are waiting for?” Ianto asked eventually.

“I’m not here by choice, this is where all my kind must await the end of the Game,” Darius replied. “And you?”

“I think I’m waiting for someone,” Ianto replied, his brow creased in a frown.

“You think?” Darius raised an eyebrow in query.

“It seems a little pointless. He won’t stay, not ever, so I’m not waiting to move on with him,” Ianto answered, a small note of bitterness in his voice.

“Jack Harkness,” Darius said and Ianto nodded his confirmation. “Then perhaps you are not here for your benefit, but for his?”

Ianto thought about Darius’ words for a while and then shrugged.

“Perhaps,” he agreed.

“Then I would suggest such a selfless act of love was far from pointless,” Darius reasoned.

They lapsed back into silence, each enjoying the coffee. After a little while, Ianto visibly relaxed and a small smile crept across his face. It was small, but it was a start.

crossover, consci_fan_mo, fic, darius, torchwood, ianto, communities, highlander

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