breaking point

May 09, 2007 15:14

thank you to everyone who gave me birthday wishes/fics/vgifts! i had a lovely weekend in london (even though i'm paying for it tiredness now!) and my brain isn't working properly so instead of entertaining you with the drama of my weekend, i'll leave that to another day and post a story ^_^

Title: Breaking Point
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: NC-17
Prompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: 002 - Magical
Word Count: around 750
Summary: Draco wants Harry to beg
Warnings: (at your discretion) Language, violence, blood, whipping
Notes: for 100quills and x-posted to idontgiveafaux, harrydraco and hpslash. If you are a friend of all these then sorry if you see it x4

“The end is near, Potter,” Draco hissed in Harry’s ear. “Make it easier on yourself and give up.”

Harry jerked his head away from Draco’s poisonous words.

“Never,” he spat. Draco grinned maliciously before grabbing a handful of Harry’s hair and used it to slam the back of his head against the wall roughly. Harry caught a sob in his throat. He wasn’t going to give Malfoy the fucking satisfaction of this.

“You’re close to breaking point, Potter.”

“I wont break for you.”

Draco responded with a harsh kick to the abdomen, catching Harry off guard and causing him to slump to the floor painfully. He crouched down and grabbed a hold of Harry’s chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

“Quite the contrary,” he smirked. “Not only will I break you, I’ll break you over and over again until you beg, until you fucking beg me to break you no more.”

“Cunt,” Harry cried viciously, triggering a harsh bark of laughter from Draco.

“I think you’ll find you’re the cunt, Potter,” Draco replied. “Cunts are made for fucking and fuck you I shall.”

“Fuck you,” yelled Harry and was rewarded with a solid punch to the jaw that made him taste red. He shook his head dazedly, the very action causing shooting pains to rush up and down all over his body and he was suddenly very aware of the fact that he was close to vomiting.

Draco stood up, towering over Harry’s quivering body and watched his suffering in amusement.

“Time to beg, Potter,” he said, in an almost soothing voice.

“No,” cried Harry, squeezing his eyes shut, willing the tears not to show, but Draco didn’t listen as he grabbed his wand and flicked it lazily towards Harry, muttering an incantation under his breath that stripped Harry of his clothes and left him there, naked, bruised and at Draco’s complete mercy.

“How about now, Potter?”

Harry shook his head violently, unable to speak in case his emotional floodgates were opened.

Draco shrugged indifferently and then - with more strength than Harry realised he had - he pulled Harry up roughly and threw him over the table. Harry barely had time to react before he felt Draco’s hand slam down onto his neck, pushing his face into the wood and making him smell the faint scent of pine.

“And now?” asked Draco. He didn’t wait for an answer as he unbuckled his belt with one hand, his growing cock straining against the fabric of his jeans and his excitement at the thought of actually doing this to Potter making the task much harder. He finally managed to remove his belt and releasing the hold on Harry’s neck for the tiniest second, he folded it in half and then pressed his full weight against Harry’s naked back, driving him further into the table.

“I want you to remember that I gave you a chance,” he snarled animalistically. “I want you to remember that I gave you a chance to beg, to throw yourself on your knees and beg me not to let this happen. And you didn’t take it.”

He shifted his weight away from Harry and then raised his belt up high before slamming it down against Harry’s spine. A sickening crack echoed around the room which was soon drowned out by Harry’s screams. Draco’s cock grew harder at the sound and he shucked off his jeans and underwear, stepping out of them and kicking them to one side until he was left in just his shirt, before raising his arm again and snapping the belt against Harry’s bare skin.

Harry was howling unashamedly, thrashing in all directions and had Draco not kept him in such insufferable conditions, Harry may have been strong enough to fight Draco off. But Harry was as limp as a rag doll and at that thought Draco’s cock twitched hard. He brought the belt up again and snapped it against the length of Harry’s spine. Lines of crimson started to adorn themselves on Harry’s back, making his misery quite artistic. His tears were arousing, his pain was alluring and his suffering was nothing short of magical.

“Stop!” Harry yelled, sobbing unashamedly, but Draco heard nothing as he brought down the belt against Harry’s back, leaving less time in between each stroke and stroking his cock with his other hand. The world came to a halt leaving everything but the boys untouched.

you can see my other fics for 100quills here. they are all one shots so do not have to be read in any particular order.
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