I'm moving in 18 months. During that time I am going to save $2000, apply for a teaching certificate transfer to Texas, find a job, find an apartment, and move all my shit 900 miles away from my hometown.
I'm tired of Arizona, the people, the weather... everything. I need an adventure, to explore the world on my own, to define myself by my standards and not worry about expectations that people I have known my whole life hold for me.
Hello. First I want to say thanks for the thoughts that you left on my entry. It made me smile to know that somebody shares my outlook and took the time to let me know. I, too, will be 25 soon (June) and never really imagined I'd be single by this point. But I do agree with a lot of your points. Moving away from Tucson is something I've been considering for some time now, and it's nice to know all I would have to worry about is myself, my dog, and my cats. I go out with friends when it pleases me and stay home when I have the desire. I work, attend school, go to the dog park, and do many other things on my own schedule. It's nice to not have someone else to worry about pleasing. I hope this move goes well for you! Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what you need to be happier than you ever thought possible.
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