Title: Defining Draco Malfoy
Fandom: Harry Potter
Spoilers: minor spoilers for all books but nothing plotty
wayfairerEmail: wayfairer@livejournal.com
Personal website:
notquiteroyal.net Notes:
Wow. I think this may have been the hardest thing I've ever done in the fandom just in terms of the sheer scope of it all. Thanks so much to
circe_tigana and Spren
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Comments 59
You've also admirably described and considered the qualities that Draco can be seen to have in the books that have lead to the huge levels of pathos and devotion (as well as a fair bit of lust) in the fandom, to which Jo seems to be completely oblivious *eye roll*
Cheers for the resources; very useful links to some well-loved fics. Gold star for you today :)
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Have fixed now! Thank you!!! :D
That is the most perfect thing anybody has ever said about Draco ever. You are so good to fandom, baby, it should be buying you dinner. I am perfectly willing to do this in fandom's place, if it would only give me the opportunity.
That said, I do want to put in my protest about Draco's physical weakness. While I'm enthralled about 'malakos' and had no idea said word existed, I want to point out that 1) in first year he gave Big Tall Squillions of Brothers Ron Weasley a nosebleed in a one-on-one fight and 2) when he crumpled in book 5 it was under the combined onslaught of Harry *and* Ginormous Beater George Weasley.
Nevertheless. Liek, coolest essay evair OMG. I am your helpless fangirl. *bookmarks forever and ever and ever.* I want to hear you make a speech.
Honoured to be mentioned in such a wondrous essay.
I try not to be embarrassed that I adore this character so much and reading this has helped me feel more justified in my adoration.
Many thanks!
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