As promised, here's the second part of my flail-y picspam - Season 4, first half (episodes 1-12)
Now, season 4 is where Barney's cuteness kicks in, so episodes 1-12 get a picspam all of their own. Firstly, Barney's got his love/feelings to deal with leading to Robin!pain and sad!face. Secondly, he seems determined to keep getting jobs for his friends but doing it in incredibly inept ways that turn around and bite him in the butt.
Anyway, on with the spam!
Season 4
1. Do I know you? Since this is a major Barney-cuteness episode as he fights his feelings at every turn, I'll pick out a few of the best moments.
I caught feelings bad: Oh the Robin!pain etched into his face!
The trademark "Leany legs" moment and pathetic expression
Voice "male"?
If he "chose bimbos" then what's this face all about? Huh? A world of women squee
2. Best burger
Barney gets one of his friends a job #1: Marshall. Of course, this means Lily shouts and him, screams at him and kicks him. But when Marshall explains how great the job is, he does the most adorable grin. He's so kind, bless him!
3. I heart NJ
Barney gets one of his friends a job#2: Robin. If Barney hadn't told her to apply for it in Do I KnowYou, she never would have. And it bites him in the arse in a major way when he discovers she's moving to... JAPAN?! Hello! Look at the Robin!pain
4. Intervention
Guess who skimmed the e-vite? Guess who looks like a naughty little boy? Who's a cutie?
5. Shelter Island
More Robin!pain. And yes, he's an idiot. But his reaction is very, very cute. He knows he's been stupid.
6. (I can't really find anything in Happily Ever After where he's being cute!)
7. Not a Father's day
Makes up for (6) in that everything Barney does in this episode is utterly adorkable.
Talking to God, his "bro".
He's been a naughty boy again and Ted tells him and Robin off. I bet it WAS Robin's fault. i love this shot. In fact, I wrote a fic based on that...
Of all the characters saying "sock" this was the cutest
Father issues - cute.
8. Woo
Barney gets his friend a job#3: Ted. So, naturally, they tie him to a mechanical bull for 3 hours, even though he has an inner ear problem. And even though all he wants is for Ted to be happy. Look at that face.
9. The Naked Man
Even though he's naked, freezing, in the middle of the street late at night with no money or phone, Barney can't bring himself to put on a cheap suit. BLESS HIM!
10. The Fight
Having his wisdom teeth removed makes him macho? He's such a child.
11. Again, I can't find anything particularly cute about Little Minnesota
12. Benefits.
Again, major Robin!pain in this, plus lots of bromance with Ted. So...
Stop sleeping together. PLEASE.
"Are you in love with Robin?" Ted guesses! And Barney's not really fooling anyone with THAT cute little expression.
Barney broke my cute-o-meter when he stole Feely the Share bear
His "I love you" is the most painful moment of season 4 so far. A world of women do the "voice male" sound
And that's it for Season 4 part 1! Episodes 13-22 as and when people bug me to start doing them.