Title: A Man's Gotta Do
Summary: Barney is left alone to deal with the consequences of Ted siding with Zoey.
Rating/Warnings: Gen/PG
Word Count: 885
Fandom/Pairing: HIMYM, Gen
Spoilers: For Season 6 - The Perfect Cocktail
Barney had no choice but to wait... )
Comments 30
I'd love it if he defriended Ted! But I just can't see that happening. Barney is WAY too needy.
This line killed me: "Friendship that was false, love that was hopeless, a childhood that was little more than a series of lies." Poor poor Barney.
I really hate Zoey - she's the underlying cause for all this - and Marshall and Ted are just tools. :P
"Don’t back down. Never show them you’re weak."
These sentences are Barney in a nutshell! "not a quitter", "cowling inside", "scared kid", "been betrayed by everyone he counted on" but can't disappoint them and never shows his weakness. That IS Barney!!!!! Plus (out of the blue), I don't get it how Ted or Marshal don't understand what a wonderful friend he is!!
just want to add (again out of the blue), love the mouse. Great icon! Was this episode before cockamouse? It can be the mouse part of cockamouse!!
The Angst-Mouse icon is from Season 1, Milk. While Lily is plotting and going to that interview for art school, Marshall is helping Barney in his feud with Butterfield, a guy in the next building. Barney's plan is to send over a box of white mice, but the mice all escape, hence the shot of Barney with the mouse on his shoulder. :-)
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