Title: Frosty the Snowman
Summary: Nothing says BrOTP at Christmas like zombies.
Rating/Warnings: X, Zombieism, death, blood, horror and angst.
Written for:
da_phoenix13 , queen of the zombie fic.
fanfic100 WC- "Zombie"
Word Count: 1,301
Fandom/Pairing: HIMYM, Barney/Robin mixed with a lot of
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.
Spoilers: Set some amount
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Comments 11
I know I am gonna love this so hard. I love that Barney has all this in his head and can't express it, I love that Robin is badass even after the goddamn zombiepocalypse (because we know she would be), and I love that I now have to find a way to use the phrase "orgiastic torrent of blood" somewhere in my life because... yes.
This is awesome and I am excited!
And if you haven't read Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion yet, you should. Because it's the best god damn zombie book in the history of EVER.
And thanks for commenting. I'm wondering if the warnings have put everyone off?
BTW - have you seen there's some Barney/Robin stories up for Yuletide this year? I wonder if we should rec them over at the barneyrobin comm?
You know, it might be a combination of the warnings and the fact that it's the holidays and people aren't necessarily checking their flists a ton due to family and travel? Cause I'm usually pretty sensitive to gore and all that jazz, but this actually wasn't prohibitive for me. I don't know!
But although it may be the warnings, I think it's just the lack of people commenting generally on HIMYM fics that I've noticed a lot. When I've seen some excellent fic posted on the comm, I'm always stunned that there aren't many comments when I read it. I don't know - it's just a shock compared to how it used to be you know?
I'm eager to see what comes next!!
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