Title: The Power Of A Shipper
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Through Doomsday
Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine.
Summary: You know the universe isn't quite right when you can make jars of marmalade appear in your hand and magic yourself into Rose Tyler's bed.
Notes: Meh, this isn't a real long chapter, but it had to end there. I don't really like it all that much...
Chapter One Chapter Two The Doctor stood up cautiously, his eyes fixated on the Public Police Box from the 1950’s that may or may not be a time traveling spaceship. “Is that you, girl?” he murmured, placing a hand on the wooden exterior. Immediately, he felt a familiar hum in his head. The Doctor’s face lit up with delight and let out a little whoop.
“Rose!” he practically sang, “It’s the TARDIS! It’s really the TARDIS-but how can that be? Because she didn’t materialize here, no, no, no, no! She appeared, which is a much more suspicious action,” a pause, “Well, it seems like the only way to find the sense out of this mess is to go inside, so…shall we?”
He opened the doors, tensing for something dramatic to happen that might explain the TARDIS’s sudden arrival in Rose’s kitchen. However, the doors revealed nothing but the familiar interior of the ship. Entering his beloved ship, he stroked a coral pillar as she spoke to him.
I don’t suppose you know what’s happened, was the TARDIS’s greeting.
Nope, not the foggiest, quipped the Doctor, walking over to the console. What about you?
The TARDIS hummed a rather unladylike snort. Fat lot of good you are. And you call yourself a Time Lord! How could you not notice the tears? Someone’s mucking about in the threads of time, and their not doing a very good job at repairing the damage. All of time and space is in shreds, and you didn’t even notice, Time Lord!
The Doctor sighed. The TARDIS was in one of her ‘moods.’ That’s not good, he commented absently as he analyzed the data on the console monitor.
The TARDIS snorted again. Thank you, Captain Obvious.
“Doctor? What’s going on?”
He looked up from the monitor upon hearing Rose’s words. “The TARDIS doesn’t know what’s going on,”--the very spaceship in question buzzed indignantly-“Well, she knows that someone is messing around with time and space. Whatever it is, it’s not cleaning up afterwards, leaving multiple tears in reality. And, as far as our reunion goes, we must’ve slipped through the exact right tears to land us here.”
“But that’s-“ objected Rose.
“I know, I know,” said the Doctor, running a hand through his hair. “A bit…weird.” He pondered this for a few more moments, before launching off into another ramble. “Well, never mind that at the moment. The universe is in danger, there’s a problem. And how do you fix any problem? You find the cause.”
“Well, how do we do that?”
“Er, dunno,” the Doctor said cheerfully, “How much do you wanna bet that the answer will just appear in front of us?”
Rose frowned from her spot on the jump seat. “Why do think that?”
The Doctor began to stroll around the console in a deceptively casual air. Rose could tell he was worried about all the damage. “Look around Rose! Haven’t you noticed that everything around here is just so convenient? Like somebody’s controlling our lives and fulfilling our every wish. For example, I really want some marmalade right now. And look,” --a jar of marmalade appeared in his outstretched hand-“presto!” Returning to the seat, the Doctor leaned in close to her and whispered conspiratorially: “I’m actually glad that worked. Just going out on a limb there, y’know. I would’ve looked really daft if nothing happened at all.”
“So!” he began again, and Rose could see the wheels in his head processing this new information, “We can now assume that we can wish for anything in the world, and get it. And right now, I would really like to know who’s behind all of this. Wouldn’t you, Rose?” The Doctor grinned at her, and she grinned back, and not an instant later than a blonde girl of about fourteen materialized right inside the doorway of the TARDIS.
The Doctor straightened up and addressed the girl. “Who’re you, then?”
The girl spun around on the balls of her feet to stare at them with, wide disbelieving green eyes. “What? Oh! You’re…N-No. That’s not right,” she stammered, and cautiously approached the two. Upon examining them further, she gasped and jumped back. “You’re not real.”
The Doctor’s brow furrowed. “What d’you mean? We’re right here, we’re real.”
The girl bobbed her head, nodding, “Yeah you’re there, but you can’t be! ‘Cause…you’re not real.” Something dawned upon her, and the girl’s features fell. “Oh, my god,” she whispered, “Oh, my god.” She said louder. “What if I’m insane? No, I’m dreaming, that’s it. I have to be dreaming.”
Rose approached the dazzled girl, reaching out to comfort her. “Why would you think that? It’s okay, we’re real and all that.” She placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder and gasped.
The blue box dematerialized without warning, and the blonde girl who had been leaning against it stumbled as the support for her back dissolved into the air. With the police box’s departure, her grief became overwhelming, and she hung her head in her hands as she slid to the dusty ground.
Her best friend was going to die, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Bad Wolf watched from afar, and shook her head sadly. Things had not gone as planned.
The blonde’s gaze fixated on their joined hands, and then drifted upward to meet his eyes. His eyes weren’t like normal eyes. They had layers, like an ogre’s, like an onion’s. Grief, sarcasm, delight. She kept peeling and peeling, but she could never quite see what he was really feeling. Deciding to leave it be for today, Rose tightened her grip on his head and lead him away from Winifred Noble’s house, nearly drowning in the rain.
Rose floated almost gracefully downward into the brightness, and in an instant he knew what he had to do. So he let go the bar as well, to save her even though she couldn’t be saved. Pete appeared and disappeared with one Time Lord and a human in his arms.
“I want to go back!” She screamed at him, tears flowing freely from her mascara-stained eyes. “I want to go back! Take me home!”
Reinette watched as her Lonely Angel’s heart broke when another woman rejected him.
“Okay,” he swallowed the truth, and pulled the lever that sent them hurtling through time and space.
Sarah Jane set down her suitcase and surveyed her new room in the TARDIS.
Mickey shook as the electricity overwhelmed him, falling off the fence. Rickey watched in horror.
He gave Empress Racnoss a second chance.
“Imagine watching that happen to someone you love.”
Martha got lost in Henrik’s one evening, where she had met a strange man with a Northern Accent who told her to run.
Pete hugged the sidewalk in 1987, and that car never hit him.
The man whose name was not Lee called out Donna’s name just fine.
He forgot to mention that it traveled in time.
The disintegrator beam on the Game Station was an actual disintegrator beam.
Margaret Blain decided to not take that short cut, and avoided a rather nasty encounter with one particular Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen. She would never meet-or, not meet--another alien in her life.
Donna Noble got married, not once thinking about being teleported into a Time Lord’s TARDIS. Her groom seemed rather shocked, and a fair bit annoyed.
Jack Harkness managed to duck into level 500 and would die only once.
Martha had never been particularly well at convincing people, but that one day at the end of universe, Professor Yana would never open the strange fob watch.
Time Lords are not knocked out so easily. The Doctor hooked himself up to Library’s computer and brought back 4,022 people back. River Song felt he memories gradually slip away like pearls on a string.
Donna turned right.
“And I suppose, if it’s my last chance to say it: Rose Tyler, I love you.” Just as he uttered the words, his image began to fade until he was gone, back ont he other side of reality.
Glimpses. Possibilities. Rose knew that none of them ever happened, even though she could see them as clear as memories before her eyes.
She knew who the girl was.