*dusts this thing off*

Jun 04, 2013 20:33

Oh, wow, it's been a bit, hasn't it? Um. No excuses. None. But I am going to make an effort to use this thing a lot more. And my god, I need to update some icons. Wow.

And I'm going to kick that off by officially losing my mind. Again.

Because clearly, not writing a single fic by myself since December makes this such a good idea (but what the hell, I enjoy doing it in December, and the recipients seems to enjoy their gifts)...here goes.

Usually, this is the 31 Days of Christmas prompt request, but this isn't Christmas and I'm shooting for a fic a day in July. And since I'm in the Northern Hemisphere (and in Florida, where it's hotter than the ninth level of Hell in July), I'm going to dub it the "Lazy Hazy Summer Daze". So.

Thinking hats on?


I need pairings/characters AND prompts from you. Seriously, guys, it might end up being just a drabble, but I want to post one fic of some sort per day in July. So...MAKE ME WRITE!!

There are lots of fandoms to choose from. Just think - something (potentially) new for me to write, and a ficlet for you. It's a win/win!!

And before you ask, YES, you can make more than one request. You can make as many as you want/can come up with. Just one request per comment, please. :) And be creative! I want you guys to push me. My muses work better when they get sassy/snippy with me. ;)

Accepted fandoms are:
Actor RPF - think Jake Gyllenhaal, Joaquin Phoenix, Lucy Lawless, Katie McGrath...and yes, crossovers with below mentioned RPF fandoms are absolutely acceptable *g*
The Avengers movie (RPF & FPF)
Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Black Hawk Down (RPS & FPS - no Hoot/Blackburn)
Boondock Saints
* Criminal Minds
CW RPS (this one includes Steve Carlson, Christian Kane, David Boreanaz)
The Faculty
* The Fast & the Furious franchise
Game of Thrones (RPF & FPF)
Hawaii Five-O
* The Hobbit (RPF & FPF, but if you request any characters other than Fili, Kili, Thorin, Thranduil, and Legolas, god only knows what you'll get)
Inception (RPF & FPF)
King Arthur (RPF & FPF)
Leverage (RPF & FPF)
LOTR (be aware that I don't do hobbit slash at all, so...)
Lotrips (ditto hobbit/hobbit actors)
NFL RPS (c'mon, you guys know by now who I write here)
Pearl Harbor
Priest (2011)
Star Trek AOS (RPF & FPF)
Supernatural (but be prepared, because I'll just ignore the last 3 seasons and go off the map with it - and I don't do Wincest at all...)
Teen Wolf
True Blood
X-Men: First Class (RPF & FPF)
original fic (prompts only for this one, just indicate you want original)

I need 31 prompts, so hit me up!!! :)

A * indicates it's a brand new fandom and/or one I've never written in before, but I want to stretch a little if possible.

writing related, lazy hazy summer daze, shameless begging

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