New Heaven, New Earth

Apr 12, 2010 23:42

Title: New Heaven, New Earth
Play: Antony and Cleopatra
Author: speak_me_fair
Recipient: lareinenoire
Rating: M
Summary: Antony is a god for more reasons than Rome and Octavian can ever imagine.
Warnings: Sexual imagery, mention of death, Egyptian Gods, Roman Gods, euphemisms, self-delusion.

New Heaven, New Earth )

fanfiction, play: antony and cleopatra

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Comments 6

lareinenoire April 13 2010, 12:10:41 UTC
Oh, I am so glad I waited till I was fully awake to relish this. The language is absolutely gorgeous and lush and everything Antony wants his godhood in Egypt to be, but what I love the most is how, despite all these efforts to be the opposite of Octavian's Rome, Octavian still haunts this fic. As he should. Thank you so much, mystery writer!

Also, this line:

Octavian was adopted into the heart of a living mausoleum, already a memory and a legend before he had relished his time.

SO TRUE. I love creepy!dead-eyed!Octavian.


speak_me_fair April 20 2010, 17:36:32 UTC
Octavian is Creepy Winner Of the Creepy Title Of Creep.

(and he wrecks everything by virtue of existing!)

I'm so, so pleased you enjoyed this!


likeadeuce April 13 2010, 21:31:00 UTC
Oh, yes. . .

But Antony has brought the promise of Lupercal's fertility to the land which desires it most, and to the bed of a queen who welcomes it with an understanding to match his.

This is why I love Antony and Cleopatra together. All that poetry he didn't even know was in him. And really good sex.


speak_me_fair April 20 2010, 17:37:17 UTC
All that poetry he didn't even know was in him. And really good sex.

Yes! Exactly! (It's why I love them too...)

Thank you so much :-)


velvetwhip April 20 2010, 20:18:03 UTC
This is absolutely exquisite - such perfection and understanding. It's elegant, yet earthy. Sophisticated, yet sensual. Brava!



speak_me_fair April 20 2010, 22:20:33 UTC
*blushes* Thank you so much! I did love writing it...


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