Menas and Menecrates Are Not Dead

Apr 12, 2010 23:41

Title: Menas and Menecrates Are Not Dead
Author: lareinenoire
Play/Poem: Antony and Cleopatra
Recipient: gileonnen
Rating: PG
Summary: Two underutilised pirates ponder free will, politics, geography, meteorology, love, and the relative vintages of wines grown in volcanic soil.
Warnings: Silliness, gossiping pirates, unexpected revelations about human nature, canonical ( Read more... )

fanfiction, play: antony and cleopatra

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Comments 10

gileonnen April 13 2010, 10:56:21 UTC
Heee, this is spectacular! I love their wit and their pragmatism and their optimism--not for anyone else, that is, but certainly for themselves. Whatever happens to the great ones of Rome, Menas and Menecrates will be quite all right and acquiring goods through shady means. It's like the perfect counterpart to R&GAD with its incredible existential dread; I adore it. ^__^

(Also. PIRATES.)


lareinenoire April 22 2010, 00:38:03 UTC
Yay!! I am so thrilled you liked it -- I just couldn't see those two going gently into that dark night, as it were. They would totally go off and continue to swindle people for the rest of their days and everyone would be okay with that.


likeadeuce April 13 2010, 22:18:23 UTC
"Another Caesar," Menas said with a shake of his head. "Will they never learn?"

"They never do."

Indeed! This is great fun and I love the twist on Stoppard.


lareinenoire April 22 2010, 00:39:29 UTC
Thank you! And nobody ever seems to learn that Caesars are just not a good idea, do they?


speak_me_fair April 20 2010, 17:23:29 UTC
Oh, this made me laugh in pure delight! They are so very gossipy - it's perfect and wistful and a little wry, and it made me smile like a perfect loon.


lareinenoire April 22 2010, 00:40:55 UTC
Yay! That was exactly the point -- they are totally the type of pirates who would sit around and gossip about the people they've just robbed.


gehayi April 20 2010, 20:41:18 UTC
I love these two. They're so very practical and matter-of-fact about it all. Oh, well, Cleopatra and Antony are dead. Bet get out of Rome and find somewhere far away to make a proper living as pirates. And yet they have a sense of humor about it, as well as an unstated conviction that of course they'll be fine, how could they NOT be?

Also, I'm mentally picturing their descendants being smugglers in Cornwall.


lareinenoire April 22 2010, 00:42:07 UTC
Also, I'm mentally picturing their descendants being smugglers in Cornwall.

Oh, yes! They SO would be!

And, really, pirates do so much better when they don't get involved in politics.


kitsune13 April 21 2010, 06:52:06 UTC
This is HILARIOUS. I love how you've captured the R&G are Dead spirit, but have made it into something highly specific and hilarious. I love the narrative voice: you have such a gift for creating unique, engaging voices that are so fully themselves, but also you.


lareinenoire April 22 2010, 00:42:55 UTC
Thank you so much! I love playing around with narrative voice and I'm so glad it works!


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