The Immortal Mr. Jones

Dec 24, 2009 00:00

Title: The Immortal Mr. Jones
Author: icywind
Prompt: Torchwood/Highlander x-over - Ianto wakes up an Immortal
Characters: TW: Ianto, Gwen, various cameos, an OC; H: Ceirdwyn
Pairings: Ianto/Jack Spoilers: Torchwood through the end of COE, Highlander - nothing specific
Summary: A series of vignettes (some long, some short) in the life of the newly Immortal ( Read more... )

ianto, highlander, my fic

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Comments 6

easilymused1956 December 24 2009, 07:30:23 UTC
Really good story. I liked that Jack didn't show up until Ianto had a chance to become a 'functioning' Immortal.



icywind December 28 2009, 06:43:09 UTC
I waffled a little on the timeline, wanting it to be a good fit for both Jack (who took the timey-wimey route) and Ianto who took the linear. Glad it worked. :)


aeron_lanart December 24 2009, 12:02:03 UTC
Yay for immortal Ianto!

Pleased to see it's Ceirdwyn who is his teacher, and glad that he gets Jack back too - eventually. Love the coat!


kickair8p December 24 2009, 15:21:28 UTC
Enjoyed this!



icywind December 28 2009, 06:41:26 UTC
Thank you.


idontlikegravy December 24 2009, 19:10:09 UTC
I've read a few fixits for C of E now, and this is by far the best. I love that Ceirdwyn is his teacher it feels right and proper. (plus it's nice to read a story that doesn't feature any of the main Immies)

Watcher files? Not indulgent at all, I think that's really cool ;-)

Funny coincidence - you've given Ianto a very similar sword to the one I've given him! (Mine isn't a fixit, in a fit of precog I made him Immortal before C of E aired *grin*), it's obviously meant to be his sword :-). I particularly love the detail of the etching, nice touch.

More? *bats eyelashes*


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