Title: Experiments in Intimate Geography Fandom: Liar Game Characters: Fukunaga/Nao Rating: M Summary: For once, it's remarkably straightforward, and Fukunaga makes the rules.
dfgfhfdhkgsd that was hot. Really good writing right there. Wonderful to see how you manage to make this vivid and engaging without being vulgar and over-indulgent. 'Her penis' oh my! I think you may have just made me crave heaps more of Fukunaga porn.
Oh, and the dialogue, so spot on. Especially loved the part where Nao says that it had felt good, and Fukunaga is like, "Yeah, that's the point," and also the part where Fukunaga calls Nao an idiot in the narration because it's just IC it makes me happy. Very happy.
Have you ever considered writing Akiyama/Fukunaga? Because it just occurred to me that that could also be quite hot if written right .. ^^
Thank you for your comments. ^^ I'm glad to hear that someone enjoyed this.
Ahh, Akiyama/Fukunaga, I've thought about it, but probably not unless I get a really good idea (and probably as part of an Akiyama/Fukunaga/Nao threesome). As dear and hot as Akiyama is, he's absolutely horrible when it comes to trying to write porn for him.
Comments 2
Really good writing right there. Wonderful to see how you manage to make this vivid and engaging without being vulgar and over-indulgent. 'Her penis' oh my! I think you may have just made me crave heaps more of Fukunaga porn.
Oh, and the dialogue, so spot on. Especially loved the part where Nao says that it had felt good, and Fukunaga is like, "Yeah, that's the point," and also the part where Fukunaga calls Nao an idiot in the narration because it's just IC it makes me happy. Very happy.
Have you ever considered writing Akiyama/Fukunaga? Because it just occurred to me that that could also be quite hot if written right .. ^^
Thanks again for a very good fic!
Ahh, Akiyama/Fukunaga, I've thought about it, but probably not unless I get a really good idea (and probably as part of an Akiyama/Fukunaga/Nao threesome). As dear and hot as Akiyama is, he's absolutely horrible when it comes to trying to write porn for him.
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