Title: The Corruption of Kanzaki Nao.
Fandom: Liar Game
Characters: Fukunaga, Nao.
Rating: M
Summary: Fukunaga + Nao + Adult Toy Store = Crack.
Warning[s]: Not for children. Some adults might find it a bit freaky. Despite the 'M' rating, NOT porn.
Notes: You can blame this on my fiance, who when I told him the original idea actually encouraged me to
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Comments 4
No, seriously. I do. I'm kinda jealous of your fiance. I've had the crappiest afternoon at work ever, an even worse commute home in the cold and dark, and been in a sulky mood ever since getting in. This fic actually made me laugh so hard with happies I was on the verge of hiccups, so thank you x 100 million for putting this up; it was honestly the best thing I could have read tonight XDDD
But honestly, this was superbly cracky. I love how Fukunaga's intention to have some fun backfires, and the way you tied in the S&M thing from the second round... and then have Fukunaga explain exactly what S&M is. The mix of Fukunaga's hardcore kinkiness against Nao's total naive vanilla-ness is a great contrast, and they compliment and balance each other well.
However, I will never be able to look at the left-hand panel halfway down this page in the same way ever again. Thank you!
Just your response made it totally worth it. =D
Liar Game needed some crack fic.
I loved it, and it seems pretty in character to me.
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