20 Loveless Icons

Jan 26, 2011 23:35

Wow, long time no post. I basically just skipped 2010 there >.>

Anyway, I decided to participate in Round 2 at otp20in20 recently and after working on it slowly but surely, have finally managed to finish my claim... just in time too. I decided to work with the anime/manga series Loveless because it has so many cat boys/girls different types of pairings (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc.) to choose from and made for a nice general relationship theme. If anything catches your eye, help yourself but please remember to:

Credit wildmusings and/or icontradiction (example)
Comment, they're appreciated and encouraging to receive
Don't hotlink, upload the graphics to your own server
Don't re-distribute or claim to have made these graphics
Don't modify the graphics, textless icons are not bases

- 01 -
OTP Quotes

- 02 -

- 03 -

- 04 -
Two Colours

- 05 -

- 06 -

- 07 -

- 08 -

- 09 -
Third Party

- 10 -
Splash of Colour

- 11 -

- 12 -

- 13 -

- 14 -

- 15 -

- 16 -
Artist's Choice

- 17 -
Artist's Choice

- 18 -
Artist's Choice

- 19 -
Artist's Choice

- 20 -
Artist's Choice

(a list of the themes I had to work with can be found here)

01. Ritsuka & Sobui. Polaroid brush by ransie3, tinytext brush by wonderland
Ritsuka refers to taking photos as 'making memories' and it is a special activity he enjoys doing in his spare time with people he holds dear

02. Yamato & Koya. Border brush by unknown ;-;
It's difficult to do a close-up of two faces, but when I saw this emotional pic I knew it would work best

03. Ritsuka & His true partner. Border brush by crazykira
The bleeding/broken heart is the main symbol of the Loveless pair, while the butterfly is a creature of personal significance to Ritsuka/his memories and the circular shadow effect represents the mystery surrounding both himself and the pair

04. Youji & Natsuo. Border brush by crazykira.
These two have such bright personalities, I wanted to capture it through the contrasting colours

05. Yamato & Koya + Youji & Natsuo. Texture by ransie3, tinytext brush by wonderland
A reference to when both Zero's meet by chance and realize that they're not the only pair out there, they have a counterpart from the opposite gender

06. Yuiko & Yayoi. Texture by caotic girl
Couldn't resist cuteness of image...

07. Soubi & Ritsu. Tinytext brush by wonderland
Too many sins to list here: Ritsu was Soubi's teacher and his mother's Sacrifice partner, but still engaged in sex with him at a young age, taking his cat ears/tail (aka virginity). They developed quite the master/slave relationship thereafter

08. Yuiko & Yayoi. Texture by caotic girl
Yuiko first rejects Yayoi's advances because he is too short, claiming she is only interested in dating guys that are taller than herself

09. Nisei, Soubi & Seimei. Tinytext brush by wonderland
Seimei is the Sacrifice of the Beloved pair, at first it seems as if Soubi is his Fighter unit... but later we see him using Nisei instead

10. Soubi & Seimei. Splatter brush by eckert
Or rather a splash of blood...

11-15 Koya & Yamato, Natsuo & Youji, Kinka & Ginka, Ai & Midori, Ritsuka & Soubi. Light texture by tunichtgut
Different croppings of the main five Fighter/Sacrifice pairs (Zero Female, Zero Male, Sleepless, Breathless and Loveless/Beloved) from the anime, each engaged in a Spell Battle

16. Yamato & Koya. Texture by damnicons, tinytext brush by wonderland
Started making this icon for one of the colour themes, but in the end it evolved into an artist's choice

17. Nagisa & Ritsu. Texture by aaskie
But seriously, she doesn't even like him a little bit... so stop teasing her about it!

18. Koi & Soubi.
Well, at least in Koi's mind >.>

19. Ritsuka & Yayoi. Texture by graphic junkie, tinytext brush by ennfie.
Yay for double entendres XD

20. Ritsuka & Sobui. Texture by yunyunsarang
This is by far my favourite Loveless image because it reminds me of how my cat shows affection ^^ <3

This wasn't intentional, but I realized after that the Artist's Choice set, each icon seems to represent a different type of love/relationship approach: XD

All other images used were found at Aethereality, Anime Vidcaps, G-Portal and Mini Tokyo galleries. I've tried to credit all resources, but it's quite possible I've left some out by accident so if you see something that is yours please let me know so I can give proper credit.

Thanks for looking and also thanks in advance to anyone that leaves compliments regarding my work. I do appreciate it, even though I may not always leave individual replies saying so. Be sure to browse this tag for the works of all other participants :) I myself will be going through them all and commenting later on tomorrow (too tired from work right now) and I also need to get my SC nominating done as soon as the round is officially closed...

I still have many older icons (mainly HP) to get through but they're all sitting on my old computer and I'm far too lazy/impatient to go looking for them any time soon... I'll get to it eventually XD After that there are some more recent contest entries (mainly anime/manga/game) and another couple challenge clams to post as well. Just need to stay focused and motivated to get back on track.

community: otp20in20, series: loveless, artist: yun kouga, type: icons, maker: wildmusings, general: anime and manga

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