
May 14, 2016 23:50

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challenge 96, user: starkwars

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Comments 8

everythingshiny May 15 2016, 06:18:03 UTC
the colours on these are amazing, i especially love how that last one is watermelon coloured!


starkwars May 15 2016, 06:56:33 UTC
Thank you!


ciuciuvaraworld May 15 2016, 11:43:34 UTC
Your colouring is amazing and so so summery! Love the unconventional crop in #2 and negative space in #3 :)


starkwars May 16 2016, 01:25:35 UTC
Thank you!


violateraindrop May 15 2016, 19:40:48 UTC
I love the coloring of 1! The crop of 2 is also great :)


starkwars May 16 2016, 01:26:04 UTC
Thank you! :3


dixon May 15 2016, 22:37:29 UTC
The three of them are AMAZING! I love the coloring on all of them and the close crop of the second one. My fav is the Jessica one, love the background and the colors so much!!!

Also, I'm fangirling a bit over the fact that you're using my icon!!! *-*


starkwars May 16 2016, 01:27:05 UTC
Thank you! ♥

haha it's great! I love the tones int it and the painted hair bits. :D


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