I'll. :) We fly to Mallorca every year but we don't visit tourist cities but small and mallorquin cities like Bonaire or Manacor. I bet you've been at Mallorca at least a dozen times, too, don't you? ;)
Btw, which challenge do you prefer or don't you mind at all?
The first option sounds good :) That's similar to what we just did right? Where you give us a table of themes? I have no idea what mod's choice challenge would be like, but that sounds cool too!
Yeah, it is. But the entries will stay anomyous till the voting ends. Puh... okay... for a Mod's Choice Challenge I'd pick a few icons from everybody who wants to participate and then there'll be a voting. :D
Comments 6
You have to tell me what you think!!
Btw, which challenge do you prefer or don't you mind at all?
ummmm I prefer set challenge but mod´s choice sounds interesting. Althoug I think that i may not participate in this challenge for holidays
Oh, too bad but I really understand you. Where are you going to stay?
Have fun in Spain!
Puh... okay... for a Mod's Choice Challenge I'd pick a few icons from everybody who wants to participate and then there'll be a voting. :D
Thanks hun.
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