Subject Claims List (New/Updated Version)

Apr 27, 2008 22:07

Please read the following rules carefully and then submit your subject claim by commenting on this post. Furthermore, make sure you've also read the rules in the community info and join the community before submitting your claim. I will not be able to give you posting access if you are not a member.

If you have any questions, please ask at the FAQ page.

1. You must check to see if your subject has already been claimed for the time being. If your subject is already taken, you may feel free to claim, but be sure to use the proper form below - NOT the regular claims form. If you do so, your claim will be given priority when the subject frees up. Subjects are on a first-come, first-served basis.

2. If for some reason, you can no longer complete your icons and would like to give up your subject, you must let me know by commenting on this post.

3. You are only allowed to claim the following types of non-anime subjects: TV series, movies, and actor/actress roles within a movie or TV series. You may not claim celebrities or the person in general. For example, you may claim Frodo from "The Lord of the Rings" but you may not claim Elijah Wood, himself, as your subject. All your icons must then consist of Elijah Wood in the role of Frodo and not Elijah Wood in another movie or as himself, etc.

4. If you're claiming a general movie or TV series, please make sure you're making icons that covers the movie as whole. Don't claim "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" only to end up making a whole bunch of just Harry, Hermione, and Ron icons.

5. You must submit your application by commenting to this post with the following information:

Name of Movie or TV Series: (please specify whether your claim is from a movie or TV series)
Character Name: (if you're claiming a character - type General if not)
Your Username: (the one you will be posting under...I'm only going to grant access to one username per person)
You must have a public post that a registered livejournal user can comment on, on your journal. There are numerous friends only banners floating around, so it shouldn't be that hard to find one that fits you.

Name of Movie or TV Series:
Character Name:
Your Username:
MANDATORY">Witty Text of some sort here

Name of Movie or TV Series:
Character Name:
Date Claimed:
Best Method of Contact: (email, LJ comment? when your subject frees up, you will be notified and will have one week to claim the subject)

**REMEMBER TO TELL ME WHETHER YOUR CLAIM IS TV OR MOVIE - I cannot be responsible for listing it incorrectly and resulting in someone else claiming your subject if you do not specify it for me.**

Once your application has been approved, your subject will be listed here along with the date you were approved your subject, the date you claimed it, and the due-dates for the first and final batches will be posted and you may begin to post your icons to the community.

NOTE WELL: There is a very specific format of posting that you must follow. The format is listed on the user info page under "Posting."

Current Subject Claims (sorted by movie/tv series name in alphabetical order)

SubjectMakerDate Claimed~First Batch Due~Final Batch Due~Extended to?~

All My Children: Madison Northeriksangel8418 January1 February29 March---

As the World Turns: Dr. Reid Oliverdomilie_fan4 November18 November13 January15 February


Doctor Who: Amelia Pondeverdreamer815 May29 May24 July---


The Haunting in Connecticut: General Moviemissemilygracey29 June12 July6 September---


The Mighty Boosh: General Moviechelseasometime15 February1 March26 April---


Naruto: General Seriesmakeitrednblack29 June12 July6 September---

Nurse Jackie: Eleanor O'Hararhollor29 June12 July6 September---


The Phantom of the Opera (2004): General Moviemissemilygracey29 June12 July6 September---

Pride and Prejudice (2005): General Moviesweetrapture8215 March29 March24 May---


Star Trek XI: General Movieofthisangel15 May29 May24 July---


Waiting/Wish Lists can be found at a separate post here. Completed challenges can be found at the Hall of Fame. If you've finished your subject, please refer there. Thanks and have fun!

Note: To keep this page as neat as possible, all comments are deleted soon after claims have been approved and added to the list - so do not be alarmed if you've come here to respond and realize that your comment has disappeared. It would be wise to have e-mail notification enabled or you can always check the list to make sure you're on there. Comments left behind are often those who are in limbo status or whose claims are not yet approved.

Note: Claims are no longer 'usually accepted on the weekends', as you may well have realized. It just depends on the kind of time I have. I also may not accept all claims within a week; it depends on how many claims have been requested. The list is really behind because this is a difficult job to manage - I don't know how pyro managed this whole community by herself for so long, so I applaud her. As soon as I get the whole list up to date, I will guarantee claims approval at least once per week. For now, you may have to wait a little.

mod post, subjects claim list

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