Constructive Critique Beta Service

May 05, 2011 15:48

icons_concrit is committed to helping people receive and write the best constructive critique possible. Therefore we are offering a Constructive Critique Beta Service.

Are you worried that your critique is personally biased? Not sure how to phrase exactly what you want to say? Worried that your English is not up to par? Want to make sure your critique is hitting all the right notes? Let our team help you!

Anyone may submit a piece of constructive critique that they have written to this post. Comments are screened. Then one of the beta team (firstillusion or absolutelybatty) will look over it, and get back to you with suggestions to improve your critique.

All you need to do:
- post the entirety of the critique you want looked over to this post
- give us a link to the icons you are critiquing
- and, if you'd like, mention the areas you are unsure about and want us to pay particular attention to!

First time critiquers and long time critiquers are both welcome! If you have any questions or suggestions, please see this thread.

resource: beta service

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