You should seriously download the music video on Rejecting Reality (link in main post) - it's great! And before seeing it, I'd never even thought of the pairing.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any Dean/Maria fics.
Oh man I love you love you LOVE YOU for the DEAN/FAITHNESS!!!!!!!! Nabbed the first manip and the icons following it, and will credit the heck outta ya for them. XD ♥ !!!!!!!
Comments 27
Unfortunately, I don't know of any Dean/Maria fics.
And I agree with Trollprincess that Dean/Faith should be considered canon. Because... *guh!* The hotness of them both...
Wish I was ambitious enough to start a Dean/Faith series, because dude, it would be porny and bloody and fun, wouldn't it?
Oh yes.
Oh yes yes yes.
They're just... I have no words!!!
Thanks for the comment ^_^
♥ !!!!!!!
Wow. Those are gorgeous, really. ;) I'm snagging 6 and 10, plus las manips. Will credit when used, THANK YOU ♥
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