Oh My!

Nov 20, 2011 12:15

Due to lack of participation this comm is on hiatus until the top of the year or late winter.  I'm perplexed as to the lack of participation and would appreciate any comments (screened in this post) offering suggestions as to why.  welshgirl15 thank you so much for entering.  i will have a prittee lil' banner posted for you soonest in appreciation. 

round 6a - fall, round 6b - celebration, !mod posts

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Comments 2

welshgirl15 November 20 2011, 19:03:01 UTC
Regarding the next-icon style challenge, I tend to wait until someone else has entered before I do (sounds stupid I know!).

No problem :) It's a shame this comm isn't hitting off. Hopefully after a little break it will!

Don't worry about making a banner for me, I had fun making the icon! I don't do as much stock as I want to really!


my_innersanctum November 20 2011, 20:48:29 UTC
if you (like me) really like stock iconning, the there are two icontests run by neke: basic-icontest and stock-contest. you may already be aware of them. yes, i'm disappointed. i'm hopeful a break will be a good thing. i'd still like to do a banner. you can take or not as you wish. :)


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