..for Photoshop.
..includes Selective Colouring.
1. Prepare your image. Depending on your base you might want to sharpen, crop (...) it.
2. Layer -> New Adjustmen Layer -> Selective Colouring
Reds: -20, +15, +20, +10
Yellows: -30, +11, +18, -9
Blues: +30, 0, 0, 0
Neutrals: +20, +2, +9, 0
3. Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Colour -> #604F4F
Set the layer to Color Dodge at 45%.
4. Add a new Fill Layer, this time with #227D7E
Set it to Overlay at 30%.
5. Add a last Fill Layer with #DB9423
Set to Colour Burn at 20%.
6. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Color Balance
Midtones: -25, -14, +7
Shadows: -14, 0, +8
Highlights: -15, 0, -16
7. Go back to your background layer. Copy it and drag the layer to the top.
Set it to Screen at 25%.
...and you're done!
Other results: