Colorization Tutorial.

Oct 03, 2008 19:31

Since my last Tutorial on Colorization's was such a big hit,
I decided to make another one. This time with selective coloring layers and more detail.
So come on under the cut and see the tutorial!.

So learn how to go from This to

Made in:
Made for:
Photoshop only.

Made in:
Made for:
Photoshop only.

Okay so I don't want to bore you guys to death with rambling.
So let me just say the BEST pictures to use for colorization's in my opinion,
are ones that have the person's skin shiny. Because everything just comes out better. So with that said lets get on to the tutorial.

Step One: The Skin

After you have your picture open make a new layer and set it to color and flood fill it with
#fecab2 and set the layer to color and leave the opacity at 100%.

Than make another new layer, set to soft light and flood fill it with,
#fb9b71 and change the opacity to 20% though that may very with different pictures.

Okay make one last new layer set at soft light and flood fill it with,
#b4652c and change the opacity to 5% . But again that may very with other pictures.

Step Two: The Lips & Eyes

Time for coloring the whites of the eyes.
Make a new layer and set the layer to Color 50% opacity.
Now grab your self a brush. For this picture I chose the size 13px.
At 100% hardness.Now just color in the whites of the eyes.

Now its time to color the irises.
Make a new layer and set the layer to color 40%.
And I choose to color the irises with the color #161e30.
And as for brush size, it all depends on your picture.

Time for the eyeliner.
Make a new layer and set it to Overlay 40%.
Now pick a color. Any color in theory would work just fine.
I chose the color black #000000 .
And the brush size I chose was 13 px Hardness 0%.

And the last step for the face is the lips.
One of the area's that I hate doing the most.
Make another new layer and set it Soft light 50%.
And the color that I chose for the lips was #bf5252
Than I made one more layer for the lips, because I just wanted to, lol.
The layer settings were soft light 10%, and the color I used was #d90047 .

Step Three: The hair

Now again this all up to you when it comes to the hair.
Because everyone has different idea's of what looks good.
Though for this picture I choose to make the girl blond.
So I made a new layer and set it to overlay 100%.
And I used a large brush with a hardness of 0%.
And the color I used was #c5a997.
Now after your done coloring the hair make another new layer at the settings,
Soft light 50%. And use the color #e1c5b3 to give the hair highlights.

Step Four: The scarf

Now this step is very simple and quick.
Make a new layer and set it to color 100%.
And color in the area's of the scarf that look like they should be white.
Now that most likely didn't make any sense so if you don't understand than,
you can skip this step.

Step Five: The coloring

Make a new layer and flood fill it with #1f0707.
And set the layer to Exclusion 40%.
Make another new layer and flood it this time with #4e1a0d.
And set it to Difference 33%.

Now its time for the selective coloring.
Make a new selective coloring layer and use the following settings.


Now another selective coloring layer.
Make a new selective coloring layer and use the following settings.


Finishing Touches
Make a new Hue/Saturation layer and use the following settings.

Than finally to brighten up the image a bit.
I went up to Select >> all.
Than Edit >> copy merged.
And made a new layer above all my other layers and hit Ctrl + v on my keyboard.
And set the image to 20%.
And than were done!

My Result

So I would love to see some results so enjoy the tut!.
And if there are any mistakes in the tut please let me know,
and I will edit them ASAP. ^-^

program: photoshop, colouring: adding colour to b&w images

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