Get scratch textures like this:
In CS2 (Photoshop)
A header a made with this method of scratch texture.
1.) Open up a new canvas, any size. Background BLACK.
2.) New layer.
3.) Make sure brush size is 1. CLICK FREEFORM PEN TOOL.
4.) In WHITE draw random lines and squiggles. (Ex:
5.) Right click. Stroke path--->Brush, STIMULATE PRESSURE is CHECKED.
6.) Right click, delete path. DUPLICATE AND ROTATE LAYER IF YOU WANT. :) (For this example, I'm not going to.)
7.) Press, "crtl" + "alt" + "shift" + "e"
8.) Filter--->Brush Strokes--->Sprayed Strokes.
-Stroke length 0
-Spray Radius between 20 and 25. (For this example I used 20.)
-Stroke Direction either Right diagonal or Left diagonal. (for this example I used right.)
9.) Put that on screen, opacity about 50~
10.) Flatter or merge image, whatever, YOUR DONE!
Used on random picture:
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