(no subject)

Aug 02, 2008 15:03


- selective coloring
- channel mixer
- non-translatable
- includes psd

Step #1: Start off your base by cropping it to 100 x 100 pixel.

Step #2: Create a Hue/Saturation layer - Layers > New Adjustment Layer > HUE/SATURATION.
HUE: +8

Step #3: Create a Channel Mixer layer - Layers > New Adjustment Layer > CHANNEL MIXER
Red: +106 | +6 | -4
Green: +4 | +96 | -2
Blue: -10 | +8 | +96

Step #4: Create a Slective Coloring layer - Layers > New Adjustment Layer > SELECTIVE COLORING
- Cyan: -8
- Magenta: +7
- Yellow: +5
- Black: +25

Step #5: Create a new layer, fill it with #030A04, and set it to Difference 100%

Step #6: The final step! Lastly, create a new layer and fill it with #2F1B0E and set it to Exclusion 100%

Yeah.. it's finished, lol. Here's the PSD for those that don't want to go through this torture~ Um, I would love to see your results. 8D;;

- Go to sushi_milk for future updates or any questions at all.

program: photoshop, colouring: channel mixer, colouring: selective colouring, tutorial: colouring

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