(no subject)

Aug 01, 2008 17:10

Going from left to right.
Bigger examples under the cut

Using Photoshop
PSD included.

Take your base. Mine is ^^

1. New fill layer #ffff23 set to soft light

2. Selective colouring layer:
REDS: -100, 0, 100, 0
YELLOWS: 100, 0, -100, 0
NEUTRALS: +46, -4, -47, 0

3. Duplicate base on top set to luminosity

4. Curves layer, set to screen:
input: 118, output: 134

5. Duplicate base on top again and set to hard light

6. New fill layer #ffd799 set to multiply 30%

7. If you want to add a texture, do so now. I added a light texture from
damnicons set it to lighten and rubbed it out around her face etc.

8. New curves layer
input: 103, output: 144
set to 31% opactiy.

9. New colour balance layer
MIDTONES: +10,0, -20
HIGHLIGHTS: 0, 0, +34
SHADOWS: +9, 0, +17

10. New fill layer #0e0b23 set to exclusion

11. New selective colour layer

.PSD File

Other examples:

comment if you like/take the psd file. I'd love to see your versions.
Please check out my new graphics community

program: photoshop, colouring: curves, colouring: colour balance, colouring: selective colouring

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