will become this
Includes selective color
Includes Color Balance
works better with dark images
Since we have a dark image you want to screen until you're satisfied
Now let's add a little saturation,so it won't look to washed out
New Adjustment layer--->Hue/Saturation--->Saturation +20
We add a new color fill layer b3afaf at soft light
Again,color fill layer 788e97 at soft light
3rd color fill layer, f1a550 at Multiply Opacity 15%
Duplicate that last color fill layer ( f1a550 ) but this time set to soft light with a 100% opacity
Now it's time to add our 1st selective color layer
These are the settings
Reds +100; -22; +17;+13
Yellow +100; +30; -34; +6
Neutrals +15; +2; 0; +4
Color fill layer ffe7e7 to color burn
Color fill layer eee0e0 to Soft Light Opacity 40%
Selective Color layer #2
Reds +100; -22; +17; +13
Yellows +100; +30; -34; +6
Neutrals +15; 2; 0; +4
Selective Color Layer #3
reds +100; 0; +14; +5
yellows +35; -20; -45; +21
neutrals +27; 0; -17; -5
Color Balance Layer
Midtones +7; -3; +3
Shadows -18; -6; +6
Highlights -8; -5; +6
You're done^^
Show me what you got with this!