Coloring Tutorial Number 4! Made in PS CS3

Jul 15, 2007 17:36

1) Grab your image, crop it, resize it, prepare it, the whole works. Image credit to iTux, whose image I grabbed from Deviant ARt.


2) Duplicate your base and set it to Screen, I put my opacity at 52%


3) Make a new layer (ctrl + shift + n), and fill it with a dark blue (I used 090d31) and set it to Exclusion 100%.


4) Make a new layer (ctrl + shift + n), and fill it with a light gray-purple (I used eed8f3) and set it to Color Burn 100%.


5) Duplicate your base, drag it to the top, and set it to Soft Light 100%


6) Make a new layer (ctrl + shift + n), and fill it with a light sage green (I used b6ded1) and set it to Soft Light 100%.


7) Make a new layer (ctrl + shift + n), and fill it with a robin's egg blue (I used 6cc3f5) and set it to Soft Light 44%.


8) Duplicate the layer in step 7, and set it to Color Burn 21%


9)  Make a new layer (ctrl + shift + n), and fill it with a yellow-tan (I used ffe7bc) and set it to Overlay 31%.


10) Duplicate that Exclusion layer in step 3, and drag it to the top.


11) Duplicate the gray-purple Color Burn layer in step 4, and drag it to the top.


12) Duplicate your base, drag it to the top, and set it to Softlight 100%


13) Add a new Brightness/Contrast Adjusment Layer (Layer -- New Adjustment Layer -- Brightness/Contrast) and set it to this:

Brightness: 17

Contrast: 10


14) Duplicate your base, drag it to the top, and desaturate (ctrl + shift + u) it. Keep the blend mode at Normal, but lower the opacity to anywhere between 20% and 50%.


And you're done!
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