Trying to recreate my userpicture.
Using PSCS2, selective coloring, curves, colorfill layers.
1. Firstly, crop your image into a 100x100 pixel image, now if you're image is a tad bit dark create a curves layer to gently give your icon a brightness to it.
I set my settings like so; RGB: i: 120 o: 132
Red: 118, 129
Green: 1st; 90, 94 2nd; 144, 144
Blue: 1st; 140, 147 2nd; 112, 122
and i kept the opacity and layer setting to normal @ 100%.
2. Now to the coloring part, you'll have to make a new colorfill layer which can be done easily by just clicking on that round icon which is filled half black, half white (the 4th icon from the left in pscs2), then selecting colorfill layer.
Fill it with #ececec and set that layer to color burn at 100%.
3. New colorfill layer, #be8a1b set that layer to Soft light, 10-20%
4. New colorfill layer, #9de687 set this layer to colorburn, 5-10%
5. New colorfill layer, #e1878a and this layer you'll set to soft light at 5-10%
6. Now the last couple of steps, the selective coloring. I just wanted to make the whites in the image stick out more, cause i don't like icons that's all yellow and just blah, so now we're gonna make the whites more white!
And guess what, we're only gonna work the whites;
cyan: +49
magenta: +14
yellow: -55
black: -15
check that you have the layer on relative (i hope it's relative in english! haha)
If you're image doesn't look "white" enough, duplicate this layer and set to normal at 100% (or lower) too.
Experiment with the coloring, and make it your own style! :)
I'd love to see what you'll come up with
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