(no subject)

Feb 23, 2007 11:31

Go from:


For Photoshop with Animation Shop users only! Uses selective coloring.

I'll be starting off with this:

Make a new selective color layer:

Reds: -100, +100, +100, 0
Greens: 0, 0, -100, +100
Neutrals: 0, 0, +100, 0

Press ok, then flatten your image.

Duplicate your base and set it on softlight or overlay.

Make a new layer and fill it with #17A500 at softlight 100%

Make another new layer and fill it with #D90000 at soflight 55%

Image >> Image size >> 70 x 70 px

Flatten your image. (keep the picture open)

Now save this:
(made by ?) and open it as a new image. Go to Image >> Mode >> and make sure the mode is on RGB color, if not, click on RGB color.

Now the fruits picture will still be on Photoshop so drag the fruits layer onto
and make sure it's in the middle of the edges. Do not flatten your image!

Save the picture:

Then on the same picture, delete your fruits layer. Make a new text layer. I wrote "Fruits!" with the font Will&Grace found at www.daydreamed.org with a red color. Right click on your text layer on the layer pallette and choose blending options...

Match your settings:

Press ok, and save this picture as another one. So now you have two saved pictures:


Now for the animation part:

Open up Animation Shop (It's free, just google it, then download)

Press on this tool: (Animation Wizard)

Here are the settings:

window 1. Same size as first image frame. Next.
window 2. Transparent (black). Next.
window 3. Upper left corner of the frame, With the canvas color. Next.
window 4. Yes repeat the animation, and 10. Next.
window 5. Add image. Then click on the 2 images you saved. Press open. Next.

Go to

And then:

There will be many frames after that so click on the last frame in your animation.
Go to Animation >> Frame Properties >> and set the number to 50

Then click on the first frame of your animation and so the same. Press ok. Copy your first frame Ctrl+C

Click on the last frame and press Shift+Ctrl+L
Now a new frame appears as the last. So click on the second last frame and Go to Effects >> Apply Image Transitions and Do the same as "And then:" (which i put in bold)

Now go to View >> Animation You should see the animation in a new window. Close it if you think your animation is perfect! The go to File >> Save as >> Choose a file and name Then click save and then choose the quality of your picture. I chose the best quality although it's bigger than Livejournal's limit.

Done! If i made any mistakes, please tell me :)

animation: mini movies, program: photoshop, animation: miscellaneous, tutorial: animation, animation: animated gifs, program: animation shop

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