Go from
with no selective coloring!
Asked of me by
this tutorial by
gabilha . It used selective coloring, avaliable only with photoshop.
Step 1: Auto-contrast, levels and color, preferrably in that order.
Step 2: Duplicate the background, set it to screen 50%. Add as many of these as needed to get it brighter.
Step 3: New fill layer - EAB75F, set to multiply. Change the opacity to around 20% - 40%.
Step 4: New Adjustment layer - Color balance.
Midtones: -34, -32, -39
Shadows: 17, -17, -22
Highlights: -14, 38, 53
Step 4: New adjustment layer - color balance.
Midtones: -16, 32, 71
Shadows: -11, 34, 17
Highlights: 16, 0, 40
Step 5: Duplicate background again, set to softlight 100%. Adjust the brightness/contrast, set brightness to +20.
Step 6: New adjustment layer - Hue/Saturation. Up the master saturation to 16. Not much of a difference, I know.
Step 7: Add
this texture by
peoplemachines, crop the white part and set to multiply, then duplicate the layer.
(So you have two white multiply layers).
Step 8: Add
this texture by
peoplemachines and set to screen.
and you're done!
original icon
finished result
with this tutorial
Pretty close, don't you think?
Hope this helps!
To see more Narnia icons, look at
this post, from my icon journal,
raiseyoureyes valliegurl.
Original icon followed