Tutorial 4 - BW icon

Nov 28, 2006 21:06

Translatable PS CS used!

1. Open your image this is my base. Now crop it. Depending on your image screen you image until light enough. Try to match it with mine the best you can. I did it 4 times.

2. Now I use selective coloring but for PSP users the alternative is a dark blue exclusion and light blue burn layer. For me I used coloring from a tutorial by fadingxmondays. Go over to her for the coloring Im not taking credit for it! Now merge and up the saturation by anywhere from 5 to 20.

3. Time to kill the coloring turn in B&W. Duplicate the icon and rotate by 90 degrees. now pull to the bottom.

4. Now choose a brush and place it across the top of the duplicated layer. Next use a texture and set to multiply, duplicate and rotate by 90 degrees. Merge and set to soft light! Now for those wondering the purpose of the coloring I tried to find a different way but this turned out the best! Your done! Hope you enjoyed it!

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