I've made another tutorial. Its quick and easy, what's not to like?
I used a picture of Michael from The Office.
1) You know the drill, crop and resize the picture to 100 x 100 but don't sharpen
2) Duplicate your base and set it to screen 100%
3) Make a new Fill Layer and put #060621 and set to Exclusion at 100%
4) Make a new Fill Layer and put #7fe5ff and set to Soft Light at 100%
5) Select all, copy, and paste at the top of the icon and set to Color Burn at 100%. (Ctrl+Shift/Ctrl+Shift+C/Ctrl+V)
6) Go back to your Soft Light layer and change it to either really light blue or white
7) Make a new Adjustment Layer->Hue/Saturation. Set Saturation to +35
8) Add a texture or some font and you're done! :D
See? That wasn't too bad, was it?