(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 05:05

This to

Open your image.
Select the crop tool or simply press C.
Change the width and hight to 100 pixels.
Screencap and another screencap
This is by far the easiest way to crop that I've come across.

Now time to make the icon high contrast black and white.
Feel free to do this whatever way you like best.

I did this:
Desaturate--> Duplicate layer screen at about 80--> Merge -->Duplicate layer on Overlay or soft light repeated until satisfied.

If you image is getting too light it might be a good idea to throw in a layer on colour burn set to about 30 or less.

This is what mine looked like:

Next make a new layer and fill it with C8C1C1 and set it to multiply.
Or copy and paste this -->

Now paste this-->
and set it to lighten.

Then I pasted this-->
and set it to screen.

And to top it off I used this brush-->

and that's it.


Edit:The light texture are from scrapbookart This entry and the brush is from arisubox
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