Photoshop 7.0 - Coloring and Fragment tool tutorial

Jul 14, 2006 18:14

From this:
to this:

This tutorial is really nothing special; it's just a coloring, resizing, and fragment tool. Try not to do exactly as I did (as I tried to imply in the tut...or maybe I didn't...erm, well, as I tried to, I'll say...O.O). Some steps were based on other tutorials; in fact, I think the only thing that I really knew how to do on my own was the fragment tool. >.<

1. Crop your base (screencap by edele, btw); resize to 100x100. Maybe sharpen it. I don't remember.

2. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color. Ajust the red to +50, and black to -50.

3. Add a new layer. Fill it with #C2EAFD, set to Color Burn at 50% (you can use 100% or 75%, too, but I think 50% looks best.) You might think it looks too dark now, but the later steps will fix that. :)

4. Open a new document, size: 100x100. Fill it with white. Or, if you don't mind merging your layers, then you can just merge the layers, add a new layer, and fill it with white. (I like to keep my layers for future use.)

5. Resize your base; it really doesn't matter which size you want it as long as it doesn't take up a large portion of the icon. This one has been resized to 64x64. There are two ways (that I know of) to resize an image. Either you can resize the entire thing by going to Image > Image Size and put it to the size you want, and resize the campus to 100x100, or you can just press Ctrl+T and resize it. Make sure that as you resize it you hold down the shift button so that it will maintain its square-ness. ;) (I like the second method better becuase you don't have to know what size you want.) Place the picture in the middle of the top (well, you don't have to, of course, but if this is your first time around you might as well. :P)

6. Duplicate that layer and set it to screen @ 70%. Now it looks a little too bright, but later it will be fine.

7. Duplicate the base and bring it beneath both the normal and the Screen layers. Go to Filter > Pixelate > Fragment.

8. Duplicate it again and drag the layer to the right so that its right edge is touching the right side of the icon (hopefully that makes sense); then duplicate once more and drag to the left, the same way you did with the last layer.

9. Duplicate the base; resize so that it will fit below (or wherever) the main layer. Here, it's resized to 29x29. Don't worry about the image not being too clear. Now duplicate it twice, and set it up neatly (or not neatly o.O).

10. Now duplicate each one of the little pictures and fragment the picture in the middle; make sure the fragmented pic is not on top.

11. Now make a black rectangle - I do this by making a new layer and using the marquee tool to make a rectangle, & filling in the rectangle (make a rectangle with the marquee tool, right click, click fill, and click black [though it really doesn't matter what color you use; it's just to make the text show]). Then, fragment the box and set to 75% opacity.

12. Next I added the text: treasure, in the font Watson. You can use any font, of course, but the text will show up best if the font is not thin like this one.

13. Add a new layer. Fill with #3367B1; set to Exclusion at 50%. Then, just to make it look a little less lame, make another layer and fill it with #BB7797 and set it to Saturation @ 50%.

I kind of like this better than the finished one now that I look at it again, but oh well, I'll continue.

14. If you want the finished product, then make a new layer, select the main picture, right click, click Select Inverse, and fill with #C2EAFD. Set it to Soft Light, 50%.

Voila. Depp-pirate-hotness. LOL. Sort of.

Other icons from this tutorial (or a variation of this tutorial):

If you decide to take any samples, comment and credit. (Yes that does include from the tutorial...though I don't know who would do that...but whatever.)
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