(no subject)

Jul 01, 2006 12:41

My latest tutorial. :)

Go from this:
to this:

First start with a base (this can be done with even a header.)


*Do not sharpen yet. You can leave it at a slight blur from the resizing.
*Duplicate base layer and put to 100% Screen


*Create new layer
*Fill with #00234C

*Set to Exclusion and fiddle with the Opacity


*Create new layer
*Fill with a light blue color
I used this:

*Set to Burn 100%. (If the color isn't strong enough, you may duplicate this layer and set the 2nd BURN layer to whatever Opacity fits best.)


*Create a new layer
*Fill with a light pink color
I used this:

*Set to Screen 50% or whatever looks best.


*Mesh all layers by either adding a border or not. I didn't.

06. *Sharpen the icon.


*Add text and DONE!
(The text I used was Arial Narrow Bold Size 4. Please do not ask me in a comment seeing as how I just told you right now.)

Please do not duplicate this icon exactly. Please, be creative and have fun making icons, etc!


The icon is shareable with proper credit to me. :)
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