(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 14:45

How to go from

Prepare Base
duplicate twice; set first copy to screen at 100% opacity
set second copy to screen at 44% opacity
duplicate base layer and set to softlight at 100%

new layer; flood fill with #114168; set to exclusion at 70%
new layer; flood fill with #8bbee1; set to softlight at 100%
copy all layers (ctrl+shirt+c); then paste as new layer and set to burn at 100%
new layer; flood fill with #a599ad; set to softlight at 100%

copy this texture from colorfliter and paste as new layer; set to softlight at 100%

now place whatever text you want
i used georgia, bold, size 7 pixels, .5 tracking in #3e1c3d for "rock out"
then for the smaller tect i used gerogia, bold, size 2 points, .5 tracking in #3e1c3d

Let me know if this was useful, or what yall came up with
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