Tutorial Number 2 - PSP

Jun 17, 2006 20:32

Okay today we’re going to make this icon:

To make my icon, I used a cap from the season 2 episode, Passion.

Desaturating your base
Step 1: Crop and resize your image. You now have your base.

Step 2: Duplicate you base, set that layer mode to screen 100% and merge layers.

Step 3: Create a new layer, fill with #b4b4b4 (grey) and set layer mode to colour legacy 100%. DON’T merge yet!

Step 4: Duplicate your base layer, drag it to the top and ‘hide’ it. (Click the little eye symbol to hide.)

Step 5: Merge visible layers only.
Step 6: Auto Contrast the base image - my settings were darken, normal, bold

Step 7: Adjust brightness/contrast. My settings were brightness 20 contrast 30 (it will vary depending on your picture.

Step 8: If you find your image is not quite bright enough, but looks weird if you change the brightness/contrast anymore you can duplicate your base layer and set to screen 46% I chose not to as my icon bg was a little too bright for my taste but this is what it looks like

Now for the rose
Step 9: Make your coloured duplicate of you base visible again. Now take your magic wand tool and set your tolerance to about 40 and delete everything except for the rose and stem. (You could use your eraser tool for most of this, but I couldn’t so I just used the magic wand.) You should end up with just the rose in colour, and nothing else
Step 10: Merge you layer and re-do the auto contrast and brightness/contrast.
Step 11: Remember the magic wand thing we did earlier? Well, we’re gonna do kinda the same now. Duplicate the layer and set to screen. Take your magic wand tool and select only the rose and its stem. Now go to selection>modify>invert It should select everything other that the rose. Press delete.
Step 12: Merge all layer and add a simple 1px border in white with your pen tool.

Now you can add brushes/text/whatever, but I decided my icon didn’t need it.
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