tutorial n.2

Jun 06, 2006 10:24

Requested by starbie



with PS7

VERY SIMPLE!! No curves, only 3 color layers ;)

1. Choose a pic, resize it, crope it, do whatever you want to get a base you like ;-)

Here is mine:

2. Duplicate the base and set it to screen. Set the opacity to 60% (depending on your base). Maybe you even won't need this step, see my second example, I did not need this layer.

3. Duplicate the base and set it to soft light

4. Create a new layer and fill with #000428
and set the layer to exclusion. Set the opacity to 50%

5. Create a new layer and fill with #46D4BB
and set the layer to saturation. Set the opacity to 65%

6. Create a new layer and fill with #FFDFAD
and set the layer to multiply. Set the opacity to 70%

Voili, voilou!

Depending on your base, and on how bright and colorful you want your icon, the only hard thing is to find each layer's right opacity ;)

What you can get playing with this tut:

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