
Apr 26, 2006 19:50

duplicate layer and set to screen 100%
automatic color balance: strength 50, temp. 9300, remove color cast checked on
new layer exclusion fill with #000420 100%
new layer burn #DAD6D6 100%
duplicate base, desaturate, set on top, set on softlight 48%
new layer softlight #FDB1B2 100%

cap taken from dj_capslock

duplicate base, set to screen and press shift + h on your keyboard. set the settings like this: saturation: 69, hue:46, and lightness: -46
duplicate base again and set to screen (put on top)
new layer. fill with #000420 and set to exclusion 100%
new layer, softlight #FDB1B2 100%
duplicate softlight layer
duplicate base, put on top and set to softlight 100%
new layer, set to hue 72%. take your paintbrush tool and color only the skin #FFCDC6
new layer, burn 100%. again, take your paintbrush and only color the skin #CDD9DD
duplicate burn layer
merged all layers, put this brush by (?) in white:

second base by damnicons

tutorial: colouring

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